The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"By the great mystery of the Incarnation, the Blessed Virgin Mary contracted the most intimate union with the eternal Son of God, whom she was privileged to conceive and bear in her womb. She was ever humble, and remained respectfully silent, without any boasting of the great things which God had accomplished within her. But what tongue can express the inward feelings and affections which filled the glowing heart of the most pure Mother of God? What light shone in her understanding, to penetrate the mysteries and the unfathomed goodness of God? What ardours of holy love inflamed her will? These affections increased in her soul, as the time drew nigh when she should give birth to the world's Redeemer. And this festival is appointed by the Church, to encourage us to contemplate the sentiments of the Blessed Virgin at this time; so that by endeavouring to acquire some share of her dispositions, we may be well prepared for the approaching festival of our Lord's Nativity.
Having had the great happiness to conceive our Blessed Saviour, the holy Virgin ardently desired to give Him birth. She knew that He was given for the salvation of all, and was anxious that a work so important should be begun upon the earth.
How often do you conceive God in your souls by holy desires and good
resolutions; but how rarely are these brought forth to any practical
result? Study in future to cherish holy resolutions and bring them to
maturity. The Blessed Virgin, knowing the decree of God, that Christ should be born of her,
earnestly desired His birth, that she might see Him, adore Him, and
minister to Him. Learn hence to give to your Saviour, not your
affections only, but your external homage and service; and minister to Him in the persons of the poor and of every neighbour. The Blessed Virgin prepared herself for the happy event which she expected, by inflamed acts of divine love and holy desire, and the perfect exercise of every virtue. Employ this day, and every day before the great festival of Christmas, in the like holy exercises; and beseech the Blessed Virgin to obtain for you grace to share in her holy dispositions." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother