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St. Ubaldus, BISHOP AND CONFESSOR, A.D. 1160.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"AFTER a pious education in a seminary at Gubio, a city in the ecclesiastical states, he was made by the bishop prior of his cathedral. After some time he was consecrated bishop of Gubio, by the pope himself. He made it his whole business to adorn his high station with all the virtues of a true successor of the apostles. But the mildness and patience, by which he appeared insensible to injuries and affronts, was one of the brightest parts of his character. The two last years of his life, he laboured under a complication of painful distempers, which he bore with the patience of a saint. On Easter day, his devotion to the glorious mystery of that festival, made him forget his infirm condition, so that he got up, said Mass, and gave the people a discourse on eternal life. He continued till the feast of the Ascension to prepare himself for death, and having received the rites of the Church, expired on the 16th of May, 1160.

Pray for all the pastors of the Church; that they may carefully watch over their flock, and be examples to them in all holiness and virtue. Pray that you may be faithful in your charge, whatever it be. There is no state without many obligations attached to it; and to be careless in them, is to be wanting to justice. This is a point, on which all Christians ought to examine themselves, as often as they think of making their peace with God. Otherwise they may unthinkingly live on under the guilt of great sins, go with these to the sacraments, and have nothing in the end to trust to, but the unsafe plea of ignorance or inadvertence, which will not be allowed in those cases which by the obligation of their state they were bound to know. St Ubaldus having been eminent for relieving such as were possessed with unclean spirits, pray for all who are thus possessed: their misery demands your charity. And if you are molested with this troublesome enemy, pray for help, and be watchful against his snares. Beseech God to strengthen you. Infirmity amidst continual dangers can be no other way secure." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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