St. Paul, The First Hermit, Confessor, A.D. 343
by VP
Posted on Tuesday January 14, 2025 at 11:00PM in Poetry
St. Paul lived in the desert about a hundred years, clothed with the leaves of the trees, feeding on dates and bread, — a crow bringing him daily half a loaf, as St. Jerome relates in his life, and drinking at the fountain. Pray that you may understand something of this spirit. A little is sufficient to sustain nature; and all beyond this is some degree of excess. It is the will of God that you should eat and drink, to preserve the life which he has given you: but if in this you study to indulge a disorderly appetite, what is this but an abuse? It is an act of injustice, in feeding that which you are obliged to weaken and overcome. And what is all your expense in that way, but defrauding the poor, who have a right to all that is superfluous to you? To what account will you place what is thus laid out? Consider if it will be accepted by Him, who cannot be imposed upon by vain pretexts.
Reflect too on the penitential life of this saint. If these holy men did so much for salvation, have you not reason to fear when you do so little? If theirs was the way to heaven, is yours so too, when you take quite a contrary method?" The Catholic Year, by Rev. Fr. John Gother