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St. Nicholas, Bishop and Confessor, A.D. 342.

by VP

Posted on Thursday December 05, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

Čeština: Jaroslav Čermák (1831 - 1878) - Sv. Mikuláš

ST. NICHOLAS was a child of prayer, being obtained of God, like Samuel, as the reward of his parents' virtue. A good lesson for parents to recommend their children daily to God, through whose blessing alone they can be secured against the corruption of the world, and the many dangers of sin.

His life was the practice of abstinence, mortification, and extraordinary charity in relieving the distressed. Follow his example, as far as your circumstances permit. Pray against all immoderate love of yourself, and seeking your own ease: and begin to fear that a sensual method of indulging and pleasing yourself will not lead you to that crown, which our forefathers gained only by self-denials.

St. Nicholas was chosen by a particular direction of heaven, archbishop of Myra, a city of Lycia in Asia. In that charge, he was a light shining to men, in all piety, liberality, hospitality, and the care of his flock. Pray that all who are raised to that dignity may be prepared by his virtues, and may be the choice of heaven. Pray for all bishops now in God's Church, and in particular for that Prelate, to whose flock you belong, that they may be every way faithful to their charge, and that their zeal and charity may be answerable to their dignity.

St. Nicholas died at Myra in the year 342, and was buried in his own cathedral. This saint is esteemed the patron of children, because he was from his infancy a model of innocence and virtue; and to form that tender age to piety was always his first care and delight. To impress on the minds of children perfect sentiments of devotion, religion, and virtue, is of the utmost importance. But instruction must be enforced by example. Precepts and exhortations lose their force, when contradicted by bad example. Pray that all parents and instructors may do as well as teach, and that children may be docile and virtuous." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer to St. Nicholas: O God , who by innumerable miracles hast honored blessed Nicholas , the bishop grant , we beseech thee , that , by his merits and prayers , we may be delivered from the flames of hell . Through our Lord Jesus Christ... (1 Pater, 1 Ave) The Glories of Jesus with Prayers at Mass by Rev. Fr. Vincent HUBY, SJ 1835

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