St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople and Doctor of the Church, A.D. 407
by VP
Posted on Monday January 27, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

"He was archbishop of Constantinople. Pray for all that numerous people of the East, formerly Christians, but now subject to the yoke of the Turks. Fear God's judgments, and confess them to be just. Labour to prevent them by a holy life. The fate of that city of Constantinople is the fate of many nations, families, and individuals: and the root of all is contempt of the divine mercies, neglect of Christian duties, and leading a heathenish life under the profession of Christianity. It was thus that our forefathers drew down heavy judgments on their children to many generations; and the scourge of God's justice has long lain heavily upon their posterity.
St. John Chrysostom applied himself by preaching, and other zealous endeavours, to reprehend and reform the great corruptions and abuses, which he observed among his flock; inveighing against the scandalous lives of the nobility, and not sparing the injustice of the empress herself. Pray that this spirit may descend upon all the prelates and pastors of Christ's Church; that they may discountenance and make war against all vice and injustice; that no human considerations of favour, interest, party, or dependance, may awe them into a treacherous silence, and make them betray the Gospel by flattery or compliance.
By this zeal against vice, St. Chrysostom raised up many enemies; and even many of the clergy and religious hermits were drawn in to espouse the cause
against him, and become his persecutors; so that he was twice forced
into banishment, in which, after long suffering, he died. Pray for
constancy and courage, and suffer all opposition with patience. Wonder
not if men of piety are set against you; for the most holy are sometimes the most liable to be imposed upon. Be suspicious of all accusations; for by being too credulous, you may be drawn in to persecute a saint. Pray for the spirit of discretion, and for the light of heaven to direct you, that you may injure none by over hasty credulity." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother