St. Hilary of Poitiers, France. Bishop and Confessor, Doctor of the Church A.D. 368 (the Hammer of the Arians)
by VP
Posted on Monday January 13, 2025 at 11:00PM in Poetry
Saint Hilaire, peint par Pierre-Floréal Crémière
- The Church is the Ship outside which it is impossible to understand the Divine Word, for Jesus spoke from the boat to the people gathered on the shore.
- The utter folly of our time is lamentable, that men should think to assist God with human help and to protect the Church of Christ by worldly ambition.
He was of a most illustrious family in Gaul, and brought up in idolatry. But by the divine grace he was happily converted to the Christian faith; and from his baptism led a life of eminent zeal and piety. He had lived with so much regularity in a conjugal state, that for his extraordinary virtues he was made choice of to be bishop of the diocese wherein he lived. Pray for all who have the care of families: they have the charge of them under God, being his vicegerents, and must give an account of all the disorders, whether in children or servants, which are occasioned by their ill example or neglect. How few families are to be found, in which Christian discipline and order are observed! Those who should give the example, are irregular themselves; and then what becomes of those who are under their charge? Spare not your prayers on a subject which demands your tears; and if you have any part in this duty, pray that you may be faithful in it. Beg pardon for past errors, and take effectual care to amend. Think not your charge small: weigh it in all its particulars, and you will find it very great.
St. Hilary, being made bishop, applied himself wholly to the discharge of his duty. He stood resolutely against the enemies of the Christian faith, by preaching, writing, and disputing, and opposed the then prevailing errors of the Arians. Pray for the extirpation of all errors, especially that of the Arians. Pray for all the bishops of Christ's Church; that in their piety, vigilance, and zeal, they may follow the example of this saint in reforming all abuses destructive of faith and a good life. Do your part in being an advocate for truth by your good example.
St. Hilary died in the year 368. He is styled by St. Augustin, "the illustrious doctor of the Churches :" and St. Jerome says that he was a "most eloquent man, and the trumpet of the Latins against the Arians." Recommend yourself and all belonging to you on this his festival to his holy intercession." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother