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St. Gregory VII. POPE AND CONFESSOR, A.D. 1085

by VP

Posted on Saturday May 25, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Gregory VII

"THIS saint was born in Tuscany, and educated at Rome.. He wonderfully illustrated the Church of God by his learning, sanctity, and every kind of virtue. While he was yet a youth, he entered the monastery of Cluni, and served God in a religious state with so much fervour, that he was elected prior by the holy fathers of that monastery. But Divine Providence had greater designs upon him, and he was called back to Rome, where he signalized himself by his zeal, sanctity,and learning, and preached with great reputation and fruit in the court of the pious Emperor Henry III. The holy Pope St. Leo IX. had the highest esteem for him, often followed his counsels, and made him abbot of St. Paul's. In 1054 he was sent by Pope Victor II. as legate into France, in order to abolish the practice of simony in conferring benefices in the Church. A certain bishop who was accused of this crime, denied the charge. St. Gregory bade him recite the Glory be to the Father, which he endeavoured to do, but was never able to pronounce the name of the Holy Ghost. At this miraculous conviction he was struck with remorse and confusion, and casting himself at the saint's feet, humbly confessed his crime.

On the death of Alexander II. St. Gregory was chosen pope, much against his will, and in spite of every effort which he made to keep that heavy burden from his shoulders. He expressed the most sensible grief at his election, and with tears implored the prayers of the whole Church, for grace to discharge his functions in a worthy manner. He shone, however, like the sun in the house of God, and powerful in word and work, applied himself vigorously to repair the discipline of the Church, to propagate the faith, to restore the liberty of the Church, and to extirpate errors and corruption. While he was saying Mass, certain holy men saw a dove descend upon his shoulder, and cover his head with its wings, which they understood to indicate that the Holy Spirit directed him in governing the Church. He suffered much from the violent opposition and persecution of the Emperor Henry IV., and many other storms were raised against him. But he ever preserved a perfect tranquillity of soul, having his heart fixed on God. He fell sick at Salerno, and died on the 25th of May, 1085.

Endeavour, like this great saint, ever to love justice and hate iniquity. Receive all afflictions cheerfully; adore in all things the holy will of God, and you will live and die in great peace." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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