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St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies, Confessor, a.d. 1552.

by VP

Posted on Monday December 02, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

File:Saint Francis Xavier.jpg

Saint Francis Xavier

"AMONG those who have laboured most successfully in the conversion of nations in these latter ages, is St. Francis Xavier. He prepared himself by extraordinary application to prayer and mortification, and thus obtained of God that great spirit with which he undertook and discharged with so wonderful success the mission of the East. When John III., king of Portugal, had requested of Pope Paul III. some labourers for the East, of the Society of Jesus, then recently established, St. Francis Xavier was commissioned by the Pope to proceed upon the important work, with the powers of Apostolic Nuncio. On his arrival in the East Indies, he at once acquired by divine inspiration the knowledge of the most difficult languages of those nations, to whom he came to preach. He travelled over numerous provinces, always on foot, and often barefoot. He carried the faith of Christ into Japan, and six other countries. He converted many hundreds of thousands to Christ in the East Indies, and baptised several kings. The Almighty was pleased to confirm this his ardent zeal and courage in diffusing the gospel, by the multitude and splendour of the miracles which he was enabled to perform; among which were four dead persons restored to life. He was also favoured with the gift of prophecy, and foretold many things far distant as to time and place. Worn out at length with labours, and full of merits, the saint died in the island of Sancian on the 2nd of December, 1552.

Pray for all who are preparing to become labourers in our Lord's vineyard, that they may obtain a spirit and zeal like those of St. Francis Xavier. Pray for those nations whom this saint enlightened, but who are now returned to darkness, that the light of faith may again shine upon them. Pray for all who labour in the care of souls; and that you yourselves be faithful to your own duties." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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