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St. Alexius, Confessor, A.D. 410.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints


Saint Alexius of Rome

"This saint is a perfect model of the most generous contempt of the world. Whilst yet a child, not content to give all he could, he left nothing unattempted for the relief of all in distress. Fearing lest temporal honours might draw his heart too much from those objects which alone are noble and great, he entertained thoughts of renouncing the advantages of his birth, and retiring from the more dangerous part of the world. In disguise he travelled into a distant country. embraced extreme poverty, and resided in a hut adjoining to a Church dedicated to the Holy Mother of God. Being, after some time, discovered to be a stranger of distinction, he returned home; and being received as a poor pilgrim, lived seventeen years unknown in his father's house, bearing the contumely and ill treatment of the servants with invincible patience and silence. A little before he died, he by a letter discovered himself to his parents. In this saint, all those who have retired from the world may see the advantage of their choice; especially, if with his desire of inward peace, they are solicitous to cut off, as much as possible, all conversation with it. What a strange blindness it is, for men to have time given them to prepare their souls for the eternal possession of God, and to consume this time in seeking this world instead of him!

Pray for the spirit of purity, and beseech God to give you a clean heart. Be careful to avoid whatever may be prejudicial to it. Keep a guard on your eyes and tongue, and expose not yourself to dangers. Examine your weakness in this particular; resolve upon using the means necessary for your security, and having begged pardon for past failings, beseech God to strengthen you in all temptations. This you have reason to hope for in such as occasionally happen; but if you expose yourself to them, you tempt God to forsake you."The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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