CAPG's Blog 

Saint Paul of Latrus

by VP

Posted on Saturday December 14, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

TEMPTATIONS.-There are temptations which every one may avoid, and this is a positive duty; for "he who loves the danger shall perish therein," says the Holy Gospel. Some there are which no man can fly from, inasmuch as he bears them about him; neither the desert, nor the cloister, nor the solitary retreat shuts them out; fasting, prayer, and confidence in God are the only safeguards. St. Paul, the first hermit, St. Anthony, and St. Jerome, are cases in point. St. Paul, an anchorite of Bithynia, experienced temptations while on the arid rocks of Mount Latre, whither he had betaken himself. Although living merely on raw herbs, bitter acorns, and the water flowing near his grot, he had terrible conflicts to endure; but at length the spirit, or rather the power of grace, triumphed over the flesh. The outer world became aware of his virtues and admired him; he founded several retreats, or monasteries, for anchorites. Emperors, princes, pontiffs, and prelates sought the aid of his counsel and profited thereby, for holiness is a good counsellor. He died in 956.

MORAL REFLECTION.—“God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able, but will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it." -(1 Cor. x. 13.)

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