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St. Monica, WIDOW, A.D. 387.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

“How many difficulties there are also today in family relationships and how many mothers are anguished because their children choose mistaken ways! Monica, a wise and solid woman in the faith, invites them not to be discouraged, but to persevere in their mission of wives and mothers, maintaining firm their confidence in God and clinging with perseverance to prayer.” (Pope Benedict XVI) Source: Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers

"Ladies, if you wish to become real Christian mothers, fix your eyes on St. Monica; follow in her steps. If you, too, mourn over the wanderings of your sons, do not despair. Imitate her: invoke her aid. It is impossible but that she, who suffered so much on earth from the same cause, should not be touched by your sorrows, and obtain for you, in the conversion of your own children, the happiness which she herself received from our Lord.

Only persevere; use the means which she used: offer the sacrifice of your prayers, our tears, your penances, for the sins of your boys; so that the day may come when, with your last breath, you will be able to say joyfully with her, "Why should I stay longer here? My task is done."

(...) He who could not resist the tears of the widow of Nain, will be moved by the sight of thousands of mothers pleading for their children's souls. He will not allow a whole generation of young men to perish, we with their mother's tears.

Finish your great work, O Monica! and from Heaven where you share the glory of the son of whom you were in a double sense the mother, look upon the multitude of women now fulfilling the hard and trying mission once entrusted to yourself. Sustain them in their trials, that their faith fail not, and teach them, by the example of your life, that the fame of evil, kindled by the enemy of souls in the hearts of their children, can be extinguished by the sacred and more powerful flame of a mother's love."

Source: Monseigneur Sibour, Archbishop of Paris, Church of Notre Dame de Sion, 1856

"Leon Dupont had great devotion also to the mother of the great St. Augustine. "The world," he said, "is full of sorrowing mothers and wives; I recommend to you the Litany of St. Monica." (Source: The Life Of Léon Papin-Dupont, The Holy Man Of Tours)

"ST. MONICA was mother of the great St. Augustin. Seeing him unhappily fallen into the heresy of the Manichees, she ceased not by continual prayers and tears to solicit heaven in behalf of her son, that he might return to the truth. For this end she followed him to Milan; where by the means of St. Ambrose he was delivered from his errors, and prepared for becoming a great light in Christ's Church. Give thanks for this mercy shewn to both mother and son; and beseech God to inspire all parents with this charity in all the misconduct and errors of their children. To importune heaven by prayers, tears, and alms, is the most assured way of obliging the Father of mercy to their assistance, from whom alone their help must come. They may justly hope that the children of constant and fervent prayer will never perish. Therefore as those parents, who are unconcerned at the disorderly conduct of their children, shew neither compassion, nor a due sense of eternity; so all those who follow St. Monica's steps, in sparing no pains, nor omitting any occasion likely to contribute to their children's good, have this certain comfort, that their labour will not be lost. If it has not the effect which they desire, still it will be the increase of their own crown.

One constant practice of St. Monica, was to assist daily at the altar of God; from whence she knew that that victim was dispensed, by which was cancelled the hand-writing against us. In this, and other holy exercises of piety and charity, she spent the years of her widowhood; and at length, on her return to Africa, she was seized with a violent fever, and departed to heaven in the year 389. Pray for all widows, that they may be constant in all the exercises of religion, and especially in that of assisting daily, if in their power, before the altar of God, at Mass. Whatever your condition be, follow the example of so great a saint: see that sloth and vain pretexts be not your hindrance, and heartily lament all past neglects. Be careful not to lose this day at least: beg grace to be delivered from all disorders, and extend your charity to all in vice or error." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

The Litany of Saint Monica

Lord have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, conceived without stain of original sin, Pray for us and for our children
Holy Mary, glorious Mother of Jesus Christ, pray for us and for our children
St. Monica, pray for us and for our children
Model of wives, pray for us and for our children
You who converted your unbelieving husband, pray for us and for our children
Mother of St. Augustine, pray for us and for our children
Strict and prudent teacher, guardian of your son in all his ways, pray for us and for our children
You who carefully watched over his conduct, pray for us and for our children
You who were sorely distressed at his erring from the right, pray for us and for our children
You who were untiring in your petitions for his soul's safety, pray for us and for our children
You who still hoped on amid the bitterness of your heart and your flood of tears, pray for us and for our children
You who were filled with consolation upon his return to God, pray for us and for our children
You who died calmly after faithfully fulfilling your duties, pray for us and for our children
You who are the prayerful intercessor of all mothers who pray and weep as you did, pray for us and for our children
Preserve the innocence of our children, we beseech you, St. Monica
Protect them against the deceits of evil men, we beseech you, St. Monica
Protect them from the dangers of bad example, we beseech you, St. Monica
Watch over the movements of grace in their hearts,we beseech you, St. Monica
Let the Christian virtues strike deep root in their hearts and bear much fruit, we beseech you, St. Monica
Redouble your intercession for youth approaching manhood, we beseech you, St. Monica
Obtain for all in mortal sin true contrition and perfect conversion, we beseech you, St. Monica
Obtain for all mothers to fulfill their duties steadily and perseveringly, we beseech you, St. Monica
Commend all mothers to the protection of the every-blessed Virgin Mother of Our Lord, we beseech you, St. Monica
Favorably incline the heart of your beloved son Augustine to the salvation of our children.
St. Augustine, holy son of a saintly other, prayer for us and for our children

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us , O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord!

v. Pray for us, O holy St. Monica
R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, who observed the devout tears and pleading of St. Monica and granted to her prayers the conversion of her husband and the penitential return of her son Augustine, grant us the grace to implore Thee also with earnest zeal, so that we may obtain, as she did, the salvation of our own soul and the souls of those belonging to us, Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O holy Monica, by your patience and prayers you obtained from God the conversion of your husband and the grace to live in peace with him; obtain for us, we beseech you, the blessing of Almighty God, so that true harmony and peace may reign also in our homes, and that all the members of our families may attain eternal life. Amen.

O Holy Monica, by your burning tears and unceasing prayers you saved your son from eternal damnation. Obtain for us the grace ever to comprehend what is most conducive to the salvation of our children so that we may effectively restrain them from sin and lead them by virtue and piety to Heaven Amen.

Source: Saint Monica: Model of Christian Mothers By F. A. Forbes. Litany added by the Editor TAN

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