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Saint Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmich, (died 304 A.D.)

by VP

Posted on Wednesday March 26, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

"The Obligation of Good Example: St. Irenaeus was bishop of Sirmich, in Pannonia, when the edict of Dioclesian's persecution overwhelmed the Church and spread terror abroad. The bishop having been conducted before Probus, governor of the province, gave proof of a courage unequaled, not only in resisting the threats launched against him, but still more in contemning the flattering promises made to him if he would consent to sacrifice to idols. He was beaten with rods, and afterwards sentenced to be thrown into the river after being beheaded. The holy martyr joyfully stripped off his clothing, and uttered this prayer: "I thank Thee, my God, for having deigned to let me suffer death for the glory of Thy name and for the safeguarding of the Christian people of Sirmich. Vouchsafe to receive me in Thy mercy, and by my example fortify The people in the faith."

Moral Reflection
: Good example is one of the main duties of every one invested with a dignity, or exercising any spiritual authority whatever. Every one is responsible toward his inferiors for the bad example he gives, and the good example which he should have afforded: "For a most searching judgment shall be for them that bear rule." (Wisdom 6. 6.)"  Source: Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste Lecanu

Prayer for Holy Bishops (Saint John Fisher)

Lord, according to Your promise that the Gospel should be preached throughout the whole world, raise up men fit for such work. The Apostles were but soft and yielding clay till they were baked hard by the fire of the Holy Ghost. So, Good Lord, do now in like manner again with Thy Church Militant; change and make the soft and slippery earth into hard stones; set in Thy Church strong and mighty pillars, that may suffer and endure great labors, watching, poverty, thirst, hunger, cold and heat; which also shall not hear the threatenings of princes, persecution, neither death but always persuade and think with themselves to suffer with a good will, slanders, shame, and all kinds of torments, for the glory and laud of Thy Holy Name. By this manner, good Lord, the truth of Thy Gospel shall be preached throughout all the world. Therefore, merciful Lord, exercise Thy mercy, show it indeed upon Thy Church. Source Saint John Fisher (Sermon in 1508) from Saint John Fisher Forum

Biography of St. Irenaeus by St. Alphonsus Liguori:

"It is believed that St. Irenaeus was born in the city of which he was afterwards bishop; and, although it is probable that his parents were pagans, he professed the faith of Jesus Christ from his childhood. He married at an early age, and had many children, whom he left young behind him at the time of his martyrdom. This saint gave such extraordinary examples of virtue, that he deserved to be made Bishop of Sirmium while yet a young man; and from the time he received that charge, he ceased not to combat the enemies of the faith, and to defend his flock from their artifices, until he terminated a brilliant career in the glory of martyrdom.

The edicts of the Emperor Diocletian against the Christians were published in Sirmium in the year 304, and Probus, the governor of Lower Pannonia, was most indefatigable in putting them into execution. The ecclesiastics, and particularly the bishops, were the first objects of his unholy zeal; for he thought that by striking the pastors he could the more easily disperse the flock of Jesus Christ.

Irenaeus was accordingly arrested, and brought before Probus, who said to him : "Obey the imperial edicts, and sacrifice to the gods." The saint replied: ''The Scripture saith that whosoever sacrifices to false gods shall be exterminated."

Probus: "The princes have commanded that all Christians shall sacrifice to the gods, or shall be tortured."

Irenaeus: " But I have been commanded to suffer all tortures rather than deny my God, and sacrifice to demons."

Probus: "Either sacrifice, or I will put thee to the torture."

Irenaeus: " In doing so, thou shalt please me; for thus shall I be made a participator of the Passion of my Savior."

Hereupon the governor commanded that he should be tortured; and, seeing that he suffered much, said: " What dost thou now say, Irenaeus ? Wilt thou now sacrifice?" The saint replied: "I sacrifice, by my confession, to my God, to whom I have always sacrificed." During the torments of St. Irenaeus, his father, his wife and children, his domestics and friends, came to implore of him to obey the emperors. His children embraced his feet, crying out: " Father, if thou hast no pity for thyself, have pity, at least, on us." The wife, with many tears, besought him not to leave her disconsolate; while his friends exhorted him not to throw away his life in his youth. But the saint, like an immovable rock upon which the waves lose their strength, armed himself against their assaults with the words of the Savior: But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven. To their importunities he returned not a single word of reply, but sighed only for the consummation of his martyrdom. Probus then said to him: "Irenaeus, abandon this thy folly; sacrifice to the gods, and destroy not thyself in the prime of life." The saint answered: " It is that I may not destroy myself for all eternity, that I refuse to sacrifice." He was then taken down and sent to prison, where he had to endure various tortures for several days. After some time, Probus, seated upon his tribunal, ordered that the holy bishop should be again brought before him, and, upon his appearance, said: "Irenaeus, now at length sacrifice, and free thyself from the torments which otherwise await thee." The saint replied: " Do that which thou art commanded to do, and do not at all imagine that I am likely to obey thee." Probus, enraged at this answer, caused him to be scourged in his presence, during which infliction the saint said: " From my childhood I have adored the one only God, who has always assisted and comforted me, and I can not adore gods made by the hands of men."

Probus: " Let the torments which thou hast already suffered suffice thee; free thyself from death."

Irenaeus: " I do free myself from death, when, by the pains which I suffer, I gain eternal life."

The governor then asked him, whether he had a wife, children, or parents alive; but Irenaeus answered that he had not, adding: "I say I have not, because Jesus Christ hath declared that whosoever loveth father or mother, wife or children, more than Him, is not worthy of Him."

Probus: "Sacrifice at least for thy children's sake."

Irenaeus: "My children have God to provide for them."

Probus: " Do not oblige me to put thee again to the torture."

Irenaeus: "Do thy pleasure; but thou shalt see what constancy my Lord Jesus Christ will give me to overcome all thy arts."

Probus then ordered Irenaeus to be cast into the river; but the saint, hearing the sentence, exclaimed: " I thought, that, after so many threats, thou wouldst have caused me to suffer many tortures, and to be cut to pieces; I beseech thee to do so, that thou mayest perceive how Christians, who have faith in God, despise death."

Probus, enraged at these words, ordered that the saint should be beheaded, and then cast into the river. The holy bishop, perceiving that his end was approaching, returned thanks to Jesus Christ for having given him the necessary fortitude, and for calling him, by such a death, to the participation of his glory. When he arrived at the bridge of Diana, which was the place selected for the execution, he threw off his garments, and prayed thus: "O Lord Jesus Christ! who didst vouchsafe to die for the salvation of the world, I beseech Thee that Thy angels may receive my soul; since I most willingly suffer death for the honor of Thy name, and the edification of Thy Church. Receive me into Thy glory for Thy mercy's sake, and strengthen my flock in Thy holy faith." His head was then struck off, and his body thrown into the river Save. "

Victories of the Martyrs by St. Alphonsus Ligori

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