Saint Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess A.D. 1292
by VP
Posted on Friday November 15, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
" St. Gertrude, Spouse of Christ, Pray for us.
If you want to find me, look for me near the Altar or in the heart of Gertrude."
"JESUS CHRIST IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST.-It was by meditation on the infinite goodness of Jesus Christ in the adorable sacrament of the Eucharist that St. Gertrude, abbess of Rodersdorff, in Saxony, was raised to that high degree of perfection, contemplation, and divine love, which was never surpassed, save by St. Theresa, and which still awakens the admiration of all who are intent upon the contemplative life. But, not content with meditating and praying, she sought to reproduce in her own person the humility, charity, patience, and sweetness of the Divine Exemplar, so that works, without which there is no true virtue, should not be wanting to her Faith. She has sketched the true portrait of her soul in her book of Revelations," which embodies the narrative of her communications with God and the holy transports of His love. She died in 1334, and her last malady was, so to speak, nought but a holy languor of Divine love, so delightful and ineffable were the consolations she enjoyed. Numerous miracles have borne witness to her sanctity.
MORAL REFLECTION..-"Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give shall never thirst, but this water shall be in him a well springing up into life everlasting."-(John iv. 13.)" Pictorial half hours with the saints by Fr. Auguste François Lecanu
"AT five years of age, she was offered to God in a Benedictine nunnery in Saxony, and at the age of thirty, chosen abbess. Divine contemplation and devout prayer she always looked upon as the principal duty of her state. The Passion of our divine Redeemer was the favorite object of her devotions. She spoke of Christ with so much unction, as to enrapture all who heard her. The love of God, which burned in her breast, seemed the only spring of her affections and actions. Watching, fasting, abstinence, perfect obedience, and the constant denial of her own will, were the means by which she tamed her passions. But profound humility and perfect meekness had the chief part in this work. Though possessed of great natural talents, her mind was penetrated only with deep sentiments of her own nothingness and imperfections. It was her sincere desire that all should have the same contempt of her, which she had of herself; and she used to say that it seemed to her one of the greatest of all the miracles of God's goodness, that he was pleased to suffer the earth to bear her. Though superior over the rest, she behaved towards them as if she had been the lowest
servant, and one unworthy to approach them. While she gave herself up
to heavenly contemplation, she was very solicitous to attend to the necessities of every one. Her tender devotion to the Mother of God, sprang from the ardour of her love for the divine Son. The suffering
souls in Purgatory had a great share in her compassion and charity. She
never interrupted her sighs and moans, admitting no human consolation,
so long as her desire was delayed. Yet she rejoiced in hope and love in perfect resignation to the will of God, in the visits of the divine
Spirit, in suffering with her loving Redeemer, and for his sake, and in
labouring for his service. Her desires were at length fulfilled, and
having been abbess forty years, she was called to her heavenly spouse in
1292; having in her last sickness enjoyed the sweet comforts and presence of the Holy Ghost." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
On another day, as she received the saving Host, our Lord addressed her thus: "Consider that the priest who gives you the Host touches it directly with his hands, and that the vestments with which he is clothed, out of respect, do not reach beyond his arms; this is to teach you, that although I regard with pleasure all that is done for My glory, as prayers, fasts, vigils, and other like works of piety, still (those who have little understanding will not comprehend it), the confidence with which the elect have recourse to Me in their weakness touches Me far more sensibly; even as you see My Flesh is nearer to the hands of the priest than his vestments.” The Life and Revelations of Saint Gertrude
Prayer before Mass (Prayers of St. Gertrude):
O Almighty, everlasting God, seeing that it is the true faith of Thy Church that the holy Sacrifice of the Mass instituted by Thy Son is infinitely pleasing to Thy divine Majesty, and renders Thee an infinite worship and praise, and since by it alone Thou canst be worthily and adequately worshiped and praised; impelled by an ardent desire of Thy honor and glory, I purpose to assist at this present sacrifice with the utmost devotion of which I am capable, and to offer this most Holy Oblation to Thee in union with Thy priest.
I offer Thee not only this sacrifice, but all those which shall be this day offered from every part of the world; and I protest before Thee that if it depended on me whether they should be offered or omitted, I would put forth all my powers to procure and further their being offered. And were I able now to raise up to Thee, of the stone which are scattered over the earth, most devoted priests, who should day by day and with glowing fervor offer to Thee this sacrifice of praise, I would most gladly do it. But, being what I am, I implore Thee, O most holy Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, to pour into the hearts of all Thy priests, and especially those who might perchance otherwise offer Thee this acceptable sacrifice coldly and without due recollectedness, the spirit of grace and of fervor, that they may be enabled to celebrate Thy tremendous Mystery with becoming awe and devotion.
Grant to me, and to all those who are here present with me, that we may join in this most sacred action with reverence and devotion, so that we may have our portion in its fruit and effect. I confess to Thee, O almighty God, and to the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and to all the Saints, my own sins and those of all the world; and I lay them on Thy sacred Altar, that they may be entirely blotted out by the virtue of this sacrifice. Do thou deign to grant us this grace, by that love which held back Thy hand from smiting when Thy most beloved Son, Thy only Son, was immolated by the hands of ungodly men. amen"
Preces Gertrudianae; Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde.