CAPG's Blog 

Saint Cyril

by VP

Posted on Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

"HOLY MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, PRAY FOR US."-The im pious Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople, was spreading his false doctrine through the world. According to his teaching, Jesus Christ possessed a twofold personality. It was needful to distinguish, in God made man, the person divine and the person human; and Mary, although Mother of Christ, was not Mother of God, because she had only given birth to the person human. St. Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, who was already renowned for the greatness of his intellect and his zeal for, the faith, was charged by Pope Celestine I. to refute these baneful errors. He accomplished this to the great contentment of the universal Church; and the two councils, of Rome in 430, and of Ephesus in 431, confirmed his doctrine, which was withal that which the Church had ever taught. The town of Ephesus, on this occasion, gave free course to its abounding joy and holy enthusiasm. The fathers of the council were borne aloft in triumph, amid the exclamations of the inhabitants: "Blessed be ye who have restored to us our Mother." Cyril died in peace at Alexandria, in 444.

MORAL REFLECTION.-In all our troubles, temptations, and dangers, let us have often on our lips, and pronounce with confidence, faith, and love, the pious invocation of the Church: "Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us!" Half Hour with the Saints by Abbe Le Canu

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