CAPG's Blog 

Saint Bonaventure

by VP

Posted on Friday July 14, 2023 at 12:00AM in Quotes

"Ah, yes! "It is the Mass that matters" for us Catholics; and herein lies the explanation of the sinister efforts of the enemies of our holy Faith to render the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice impossible. For, says St. Bonaventure, "take away the Sacrament, and what will there be left in the world but error and infidelity?"
"But by this Sacrament," continues the Saint, "the Church stands, faith is confirmed, the Christian religion and Divine worship flourish." (On the Preparation for Mass, I i 3)"

Source: The psychology of Practical Godlessness The American Catholic Quarterly Review, Volume 47 edited by James Andrew Corcoran, Patrick John Ryan, Edmond Francis Prendergast

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