CAPG's Blog 

Pius the Tenth

by VP

Posted on Tuesday August 21, 2018 at 09:47AM in Poetry

“Instaurare omnia in Christo” (Eph. I. 10)

by H. R.S.

Lo, God from silent city on the seas

Had snatched earth’s simplest man and held him, pale

And dazed, above the glory of the hills;

Then pierced his trembling soul with one command:

“Stretch out thine arm. Restore all things in Christ.”

“Not I, O Lord? Be pitiful and spare!”

“I shall not spare. For I have chosen thee,

Such as thou art, to go before My face

And wage My battle…. As I call a bird

From out the east, so from afar I call

The man of My own will. For I Myself

Have spoke. Yea, and I shall bring it there

To pass…. I give salvation unto Sion…

Stand dauntless forth.” (Isaias XLVI)

He shuddered, and obeyed.

That heart, whence tenderness flowed out in streams,

Put on the breast-plate of His justice then

And met, invincible, the fiery dart.

The field is won…. And with the night there falls

A silence on the camp….

He hath restored

To man Christ’s Godhead in its plenitude,

And Christ in Living Bread to cleansed lips

For daily food. He hath restored to Christ

The little ones whose breasts are Bethanies,

Where Christ is Guest and Host, and it is morn.

To Liturgy restored its primal chant,

Majestic voice of praise.

The nations crash;

War wraps its shroud the world around… God Folds

His saint in peace. Restorer is restored

To Christ, in Whom all things are made anew.

Source: New Catholic World, Vol. 100, Paulist Fathers, 1915

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