CAPG's Blog 

Pearls before swine

by VP

Posted on Saturday February 05, 2022 at 11:00PM in Books

23. " Take great care not to violate the command of our Divine Master, namely:" Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine" (Matt. 7.6). Let no unworthy person, no public sinner approach the holy table; withhold absolution from those unworthy of it, particularly those who persist in living in the proximate occasion of sin or constitute themselves such occasions for others; those, too, who live at enmity with their fellow men, refusing all attempts at reconciliation; those who remain constantly in the state of mortal sin without purpose or desire of amendment.

Be solicitous for the sanctity of the Sacrament of Matrimony, being particularly careful that non shall enter that holy state unless they are free from all canonical impediments and are thoroughly familiar with the obligations of marriage as well as its rights.

Regarding the Sacrament of Baptism, likewise be on guard against permitting unworthy godparents to assume the duties of sponsors, for these spiritual fathers and mothers cannot discharge the duties of their high office unless they are properly instructed and fitted for the task."

Source: The Priest his dignities and obligations, St. John Eudes

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