CAPG's Blog 

Sacerdos alter Christus.

by VP

Posted on Saturday June 05, 2021 at 12:00AM in Poetry

Father Tyler Sparrow first TLM June 6, 2021
taken by Nick Aul

 Thought sublime
That leads to heights no human mind may climb !

A thought to cherish in thy inmost heart :
Another Christ, anointed priest, thou art—
In rank, above all men, so near divine
Archangels claim a lower throne than thine.
In power greater than the king who sways
Earth's mightiest realm, for thee e'en God obeys :
He quits high heaven's court at thy command,
Descending swift into thy outstretched hand.
A Christ in rank and power, oh ! 'tis meet
That thou the fair resemblance shouldst complete.
Be thine His patient pity, love and zeal ;
Be thine the wounds of aching hearts to heal ;
Be thine to follow whither lost sheep roam
And bring them kindly on thy shoulders home.
Be thine thy Master's cross with love to bear,
And thine in endless life His crown to wear !

—Irish Monthly, 1891


What a beautiful poem and tribute to the priesthood.

Posted by Anna Marie Sparrow on June 09, 2021 at 01:00 PM EDT #

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