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O Love of the Sacred Heart

by VP

Posted on Friday December 27, 2019 at 09:52AM in Poetry

I rise from dreams of time
  And an angel guides my feet
To the Sacred Altar-throne,
  Where Jesus' Heart doth beat.
The lone lamp softly burns,
  And a wondrous silence reigns,
Only with a low still voice
  The Holy One complains:
"Long! long, I've waited here,
  And though thou heed'st not Me,
The Heart of God's own Son,
  Beats ever on for thee."
In the womb of Mary meek,
  In the cradle, on the tree,
Heart of pure undying love,
  It lived, loved, bled for me.
Ever pleading, day and night,
  Thou canst not from us part;
O veiled and wondrous Son
O love of the Sacred Heart.

Source: The Holy Family Manual by the Sisters of Notre Dame, 1883

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