CAPG's Blog 

Month of December

by VP

Posted on Saturday November 30, 2024 at 11:00PM in Tradition

Devotion for the Month of December:  the Immaculate Conception

 Prayer of St. Bernard: THROUGH thee, O ever blessed Virgin, may it be allowed to us to approach thy Son. Through thee, O Fountain of Grace, Source of Life, and Mother of Salvation, may we be received by Him Who was given to us by thee. May thy immaculate sanctity, O most holy Virgin, hide from His eyes the stain of our corruption, and may thy most profound humility obtain from God the pardon of our pride. May thy boundless charity cover the multitude of our sins, and thy glorious fruitfulness confer on us fruitfulness of merits. Mother, Mediatrix, and Advocate, we beg of thee to reconcile us to thy Son, to recommend us to thy Son, to represent us with thy Son. Oh, most blessed Mother, by the favour which thou didst find with God, by the prerogatives which thou didst merit, by the Lord of Mercy, to whom thou didst give birth, we implore thee to prevail by thy prayers on Him, Who, through thee, deigned to share our misery and weakness, so that He may deign to make us sharers of His eternal happiness and glory to Whom, together with the Father and Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Novena for the Immaculate Conception, Fr. Louis Parodi, SJ 1915

Virtue for the month of September: Union

Qui manet in eharitate, in Deo manet, et Deus in eo — Whoabidethin charity, abideth in God, and God in him. — I John, iv : 16.

 The object of all virtues is to bring us into union with God, in which alone is laid up all the happines that can be enjoyed in this world. Now, in what does ibis unioa properly consist ? In nothing save a perfect conformity and resemblance between our will and the will of God, so that these two wills are absolutely alike — there is nothing in one repugnant to the otber ; all that one wishes and loves, the other wishes and loves ; whatever pleases or displeases one, pleases or displeases the other. — St. John of the Cross.

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