CAPG's Blog 

Lines on a Deceased Priest

by VP

Posted on Wednesday September 02, 2020 at 12:45AM in Poetry

Breathe not his honored name,

Silently keep it.

Hushed be the saddening theme,

In secrecy weep it.

Call not a warmer flow

To eyes that are aching:

Wake not a deeper throe

In hearts that are breaking.

Oh! “tis a placid rest;

Who could deplore it?

Trance of the pure and blest,

Angels watch o’er it!

Sleep of his mortal night,

Sorrow can’t break it;

Heaven’s own morning light

Alone shall awake it.

Noble thy course is run;

Splendour is round it.

Bravely thy fight is won,

Freedom hath crowned it

In the high warfare

Of heaven grown hoary,

Thou art gone like the summer sun,

Shrouded in glory.

Twine, twine the victor’s wreath,

Spirits that meet him!

Sweet songs of triumph breather,

Seraphs that greet him!

From his high resting-place

Who shall him sever?

With his God, face to face,

Leave him forever.

Source: Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 1891.


Beautiful. Thank you for this. Expresses what many feel now at the death of a good and holy priest. Raleigh has lost a true gem. May he Rest in Peace

Posted by Georgette on September 02, 2020 at 07:45 PM EDT #

Beautiful. Thank you for this. Expresses what many feel now at the death of a good and holy priest. Raleigh has lost a true gem. May he Rest in Peace

Posted by Georgette on September 02, 2020 at 07:45 PM EDT #

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