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From the Past: A Bishop

by VP

Posted on Wednesday January 01, 2025 at 12:00AM in From the Past

Rev Eugene Joseph McGuinness

Rev Eugene Joseph McGuinness

2nd Bishop of Raleigh, NC (1937-1944)

"A Bishop is the supreme ecclesiastical ruler of the Diocese. Bishops are successors of the Apostles as the Pope is the Successor of St. Peter. They govern their flocks, in the name of God, as representatives of Christ; they are not delegates of the Holy See, though they are subject to its authority. They experience their own powers by virtue of their office. They can note act against common law; but subject to this a Bishop can enact those laws which he considers for the good of his Diocese, and he is in the first instance in all ecclesiastical trials. He has the direction of his clergy, the conduct of divine worship, the administration of ecclesiastical property, building of churches, erection of parishes. It is the duty of Bishops to enforce the observance of Canon law, safeguard the faith, and correct abuses. Bishops are bound to reside in the Diocese and are to preach in person. They offer Masses for the people on prescribed days, and as the first opportunity offers, they complete the pastoral visitation of the Diocese.
In the centuries-old history of the Catholic Episcopate, men of faith and men without faith have alike paid tribute to that noble succession of priestly leaders who have ever shared the lot of the people entrusted to their care.

From that pulpit shall be defended the sanctity of marriage, the dignity and responsibility of marriage, the dignity and responsibility of parenthood, the loving care of little children in the holiness of home life. There will be expounded the conscientious duty of a faithful laborer and his right to a fair share in the product to his work that he may care well for those he loves. Yet, on the other hand, there will be defended, the right of private property and wealth rightly gained be safeguarded, in the possession of its owner, while he is taught that over what he needs for prudent provision for himself and his loved ones, his possession is a stewardship from God for which his charity must answer. Such the preaching of a Catholic Bishop.

This attitude of a Catholic Bishop is the Church's guarantee to the State of the fidelity and loyalty of the Catholic people to their duties, both as citizens and Christians. These significance, so heartening in these distressing times, make clear why Bishops, priests, and people, led by a Cardinal of Holy Church, have flocked to your City of Raleigh for the installation to a new Bishop latest proof of the vitality in the life and work of the Church of Christ."

Monsignor Corrigan, January 29, 1938 on the Eve of the installation of Bishop McGuinness. Source: The Bulletin

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