CAPG's Blog 

Ex More Docti mystico

by VP

Posted on Thursday February 04, 2021 at 11:00PM in Poetry

Now with the slow revolving year
Again the fast we greet,
Which in its mystic circle moves
Of forty days complete.

Henceforth more sparing let us be
Of food, of words, of sleep ;
Henceforth beneath a stricter guard
The roving senses keep.

And let us shun whatever things
Distract the careless heart,
And let us shut our souls against
The tyrant tempter's art.

And weep before the Judge and strive
His vengeance to appease.
Saying to Him with contrite voice
Upon our bended knees :

Much have we sinned, O Lord ; and still
We sin each day we live ;
Yet look in pity from on high,
And of Thy grace forgive.

Remember that we still are Thine,
Though of a fallen frame ;
And take not from us in Thy wrath
The glory of Thy name.

Undo past evil ; grant us, Lord,
More grace to do aright ;
So may we now and ever find
Acceptance in Thy sight.

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