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Devout Adress to the Holy Face

by VP

Posted on Monday December 14, 2020 at 11:00PM in Poetry

O Face Divine!

O Face most sorrowful yet so benign!

So beauteous still in grief, towards me incline!

O Sacred Eyes!

On which the weight of dreaded anguish lies,

That look must break the heart which Christ denies.

O Lips so meek!

Unless their all absolving word I seek,

Those lips one day eternal doom will speak.

O Sacred Face!

Which mortal hand has dared with prayer to trace,

Thee on my heart with throbs of awe I place.

O Face Divine!

Give me of love returned some blissful sign;

O Face Divine, in grief towards me incline.

Source: Sister Saint-Pierre and the Work of Reparation, Rev. P. Janvier

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