CAPG's Blog 

Day 1 - St. John Vianney Novena

by VP

Posted on Saturday November 03, 2018 at 10:26PM in Prayers

Saint John Vianney, you were blessed with a loving and devout family who supported your desire to increase your faith and devote yourself fully towards imitating the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. In your quest to pursue your holy vocation, you were not deterred by the many obstacles that came your way. Your strong faith carried you through all of life’s trials to your place in God’s kingdom.

Obtain for me the same courage and faith that allowed you to give all to God without counting the cost. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide me to the right decisions that will best serve God and my neighbor.

Believing in the power of your kind intercession, I humbly ask you to pray for me and the special intention I am hoping God will grant me through this novena:  For the successful surgery of Fr Mark Shuey and his complete recovery.

St. John Vianney, Priest of Ars, pray for our priests, and pray for us. Amen.

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