CAPG's Blog 

To the Divine Infant

by VP

Posted on Saturday January 13, 2024 at 11:00PM in Poetry

Infant of Prague: Mother Of Mercy, Washington NC)

Sweet Infant -  God! I humbly fly to Thee,

For I have heard Thy whisper all divine:

"Come all who labor, come with trust to me,"

"Your hearts can only rest in love of mine."

Sweet Infant - Jesus! I believe in Thee,

And hope for mercy from Thy loving Heart.

O may I love and serve Thee fervently!

"The Prince of peace," "Emmanuel" Thou art!

Sweet little Jesus! Souls so dear to Thee

Shall be the objects of my tender love.

O grant that we may all eternally

Rejoice and praise Thee in the land above.

Written by: Enfant de Marie (These lines were suggested by the beautiful prayer in honor of the Holy Infant of Prague, composed by the Carmelite, Father Cyril a Matre Dei.)The Carmelite review, 1898

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