CAPG's Blog 

To a Priest

by VP

Posted on Monday July 30, 2018 at 10:08AM in Poetry

 To a Priest

How blest the hour, when on thy sacring day,
’Mid prayer and holy rite,
The fragrant unction dew’d thy hands for aye
With priestly might!

Then power to thee, O favored one! was given
Daily to climb the Rood
And pluck therefrom the Body, for us riven,
As daily food;

To give their God to men, making them strong
’Gainst ever-biding stress;
To lift Him high above the adoring throng,
His own to bless;

To whiten as the snow the erring soul
In scarlet hue bedyed;
For, at thy word, life-giving waters roll
In cleansing tide!

For such dread gifts, O Priest! from day to day
Pour forth thanksgiving meet;
Waiting the call their golden fruits to lay
At Jesus’ feet!

By Dom Michael Barrett, O.S.B.
Source: The Ave Maria, July 25, 1908 p. 97.

Special thanks to Robert Olson

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