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Thirtieth Day: By a Good Intention to Make even our most Trivial Actions and Sufferings Meritorious, and Offer them for the Deliverance of the Holy Souls

by VP

Posted on Friday November 29, 2024 at 11:00PM in Meditations

As rational beings we should have a distinct object in view in all our actions. By performing even the most trivial act from the motive to please our dear Lord, and to do His holy Will, it may become meritorious. These acts must not be contrary to the Commandments of God and His holy Church, and the person performing them must be in the state of grace. People who are working from early in the morning till late at night can assist the suffering souls in an efficacious manner by offering their toil and fatigue in union with the merits of Jesus and Mary for the relief of the suffering souls. Sick persons, and those enduring mental sufferings, such as temptations, scruples, contempt, slander, unjust treatment; those who mourn for the loss of a near relative or a dear friend, ect., may make the same intention in regard to their particular suffering.

Prayer: My dear Redeemer, how many occasions have I lost of gaining merits by a good intention, and of thus assisting Thy holy spouses! Pardon my negligence and graciously assist me to turn every precious moment of time to advantage by a good intention, and to make up for the past. In union with Thy merits and those of Thy holy Mother Mary and all the saints I unite all my thoughts, words, deeds, and spiritual and bodily sufferings for the future, till may last breath, and offer them for the suffering souls. In return I beseech the holy souls to obtain for me, and all those for whom I am in duty and love bound to pray, spiritual and temporal favors, and abundant grace to lead a holy life and persevere to the end of their life. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Priests in Purgatory: My Jesus, by the sorrows Thou didst suffer in Thine Agony in the Garden, in Thy Scourging and Crowning with thorns, in the Way to Calvary, in Thy Crucifixion and Death, have mercy on the souls of priests in Purgatory, especially those most forgotten and who have no one else to pray for them. I wish to remember all those priests who ministered to me, the priests my heart has never forgotten, and for those that I no longer recall due to my frailty of memory. Do Thou deliver them from the dire torments they endure; call them and admit them to Thy most sweet embrace in Paradise.

Pope Saint Pius X and Saint John Vianney, pray for us and especially for our priests. Amen

Special Intercession: Pray for the souls who spent time uselessly, and were negligent in making and renewing the good intention.

Lord grant them eternal rest, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. (Three times)

Practice: When rising in the morning I shall never omit to make a good intention for the day, and to renew the same at least every hour by saying: For Love of Jesus and Mary; and the relief of the suffering souls.

Invocation: My Jesus, mercy!

Source: Manual of the Purgatorian Society, Redemptorist Fathers. 1907

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