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The Victories of the Saints: Saints Gervaise and Protase

by VP

Posted on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 01:03AM in Saints

Gervasius and Protasius, by Philippe de Champaigne

"The Victories of the Saints: To be ready to confront death rather than renounce one's faith, is to achieve a great victory over one's self; but this victory gained by the saints is not their final triumph, for their power does not perish with their death, it then really commences. SS. Gervaise and Protase, who were brothers, suffered martyrdom together at Milan during the persecution of Domitian. The mighty events subsequently occurring, caused their memory to slumber. St. Ambrose, archbishop of Milan, finding himself exposed to the persecution of the empress Justina, who sought to drive him from his see, so as to be able to allow Arianism to get the upper hand in his diocese, had a revelation indicating the spot where the bodies of the martyrs lay buried. He had them exhumed, and caused them to be exposed to the veneration of the faithful; the concourse of reverent votaries was immense, and so many and such striking miracles were manifested that it became impossible for the Arians to deny either the existence of the miracles, or to give a wrong interpretation thereto. They no longer ventured to raise further opposition to the Holy Archbishop, or attempt anything in favor of their own doctrine. Thus did these holy martyrs obtain a fresh triumph.

Moral reflection: "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man shall do to me. Remember the prelates who have spoken the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end." (Heb. 13. 7) Pictorial half hours with the saints. By  Abbe Auguste François Lecanu

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