CAPG's Blog 

The Sanctuary

by VP

Posted on Sunday September 29, 2019 at 12:00AM in Books

Our Lord in His hidden home in the sanctuary is every with the priest. What a home of contemplative prayer the sanctuary should be. There are our Lord and the priest living and working together in the life of mutual love. The hidden, the active, the suffering life, are all there before us in this sacrament of love, which is the prolongation of our Lord's Incarnation in our midst. There, too, is the Fountain of living water, every-flowing to refresh and purify our souls. What a privilege of love is all this if we do but respond to it. It is a matter of forming a spiritual habit - the habit of enjoying the unseen world, the presence of our Lord and His angels, who are ever with us in the sanctuary.

"O God, my God, to Thee do I watch at break of day, for Thee my soul hath thirsted. So in the sanctuary have I come before Thee to see Thy power and Thy glory. " " In the sight of Thy angels I will praise Thee."

Source: A Spiritual Retreat By Fr. H. Reginald Buckler

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