CAPG's Blog 

The Priesthood and Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ

by VP

Posted on Sunday June 13, 2021 at 09:27AM in Quotes

"We must not be deterred by the idle reproach preferred by some that we are ever speaking of the Savior's Passion, that we exhibit the life and death of a Christian as an expiatory immolation. Now can we do otherwise? As ministers of the Gospel have we the right to preach anything but Jesus and Him crucified? Is other knowledge than this needed in the spiritual life of the faithful? If the Cross today is a scandal to the worldling and the sensualist, if it is only folly to the superficially brilliant and the proud, that is certainly no reason why the capital dogma of faith and salvation should be toned down or veiled to bring it into accord with an erroneous view.

We must preach this dogma, and in its entirety; the Cross prolonged in the Eucharist and touching the confines of heaven; the Cross the portion of the baptized, of the believer, of the communicant who must needs be sacrificed upon it, but only that he may live eternally; the Cross the loadstone of the ages, today more than ever sweetly drawing to itself privileged souls the nobles, the purest, the best, who become enamored of suffering in order to continue and complete the Passion of Jesus. Who can adequately tell the beauty, the fecundity of the Cross dominating as it does the Christian world?"

Source: The Priesthood in the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by J. Grimal SM

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