The Compassion of Christ
by VP
Posted on Sunday June 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Sermons
Le retour de l'enfant prodigue, Jacques Tissot
"For some of them
came from afar off.”—MARK 8. 3.
1. What drew that crowd to follow our Lord ?
2. In our days, who are those that are from afar off? Those who know not Christ, and those who have fallen away.
3. The danger of wandering afar off.
4. May the compassion of Christ win us back and keep us near Him.
"We wonder, as we read this Gospel, how this multitude had been drawn to our Blessed Lord; how they stayed with Him for three days, and some of them had come from afar off. What a divine attraction it must have been that made these men forget their comfort, their hunger, their weariness, to press round our Blessed Saviour, and listen to the words that fell from His divine lips! As our Lord drew the crowds to Himself in life, so now He is constantly, by His grace, drawing the hearts of men to His service. And as then, so now, "some come from afar off "; and it is for these that He shows His tenderest compassion, lest they faint on the way to their home - the Kingdom of heaven. Without His help no one can win their way to that blessed home.
Then who are those, in these days of ours, who come from afar off? Those who have not the Faith. Those who have never heard of Him, or been taught the wonders of His mercy. Prayers of others attract them: good example attracts them. The fair fame of holy Church, with its unity, its progressiveness, with its crowds of faithful worshippers, attracts them. Each of us can help, each of us is bound to help, some soul to follow Christ.
Others, again, from afar off, are children of bad parents, who have not been taught the practice of their religion; who have had no good example at home shown them: the leakage of the Church, who are swept along in the torrent of godlessness, sinfulness, and riotousness of the wicked world.
Others, again, who have fallen away. Once they were innocent children of God, but neglect and carelessness crept in; they wearied of the restriction of a good life; and at last they left their Father's house, and they were seen no more at Mass or the Sacraments. Many, thank God, have not wandered thus far from God; but how few of us have not fallen away to some degree! How few of us can say that we are as good and earnest as once we were as good as we should be!
The danger of wandering far off, or a little way off, from keeping close to our Lord, and listening to Him, and obeying Him, is this. Whatever the distance may be, it is far enough, and too far, for us to find our way back of ourselves. Many think that they can return to the good life of their early days when they choose, and so put God off. But this is a sad mistake. They cannot of themselves, but only if God in His mercy draws them.
What gratitude should be ours to remember that Christ's mercy and compassion are always seeking to attract us. Patiently and in many most varied ways He is seeking us out and drawing us to Himself. But it is all His merciful doing, and not our own doing. You will say, The prodigal son found his way back to his father, so why cannot I when I make up my mind?
Yes, the prodigal, happily for himself, did return, and was lovingly received by his father. But what prompted him? What gave him the impulse and the resolution "to arise and go to his father"? What sustained him on the long, hungry journey, and enabled him to face the shame of it, to be "a hired. servant" as he expected, where once he was a son? It was the memory, the sweet memory, of his loving, patient father! The poor boy never dreamed that his father, with yearning eyes, was looking for him time after time; he never dreamed of such an affectionate welcome; he only expected to be fed, to be under a roof, to be safe.
When our Blessed Lord was describing that loving father He was portraying Himself. For how many souls from afar off is the Redeemer looking this day! For some He has been waiting for years. The danger is, the longer we are away, the greater chance of forgetting the memory of our Father, of forgetting the compassion of the Sacred Heart of our Lord. If we forget His mercy, where is the power that can draw us back? If we are only beginning to slip away from fervour, let us be afraid; and pray that a loving memory of that compassion may ever live in our hearts.
Realize that kindness of Christ, and we should trust in Him more and more. See what He did, as recorded in the Gospel. He worked a miracle for those who had come from afar off, lest they should faint on the way. They had followed and listened to Him, and in return, in compassion, He worked the miracle. And for us as well, if we only come humbly back, He works the miracle of miracles, and nourishes us with the Bread from heaven, lest we should faint on the journey through life. How sad when our Blessed Lord is thus longing for us, and is prepared to receive us and strengthen
us, that so many are kept back from entering again into His holy
service, from attendance at Mass, from frequenting Holy Communion, by
false shame and through human respect, for fear of what some carping neighbour may say! Oh, may the good God so strengthen us with the memory of His compassion, the confidence
in His mercy, that we may arise, determined never to be far from Him
again; but rather to cling to Him, cherishing His words, doing His holy
Will, faithful to the end!" Short Sermons on the Epistles & Gospels of the Sundays of the Year By Rev. Fr. Francis Paulinus Hickey OSB 1922 (6th Sunday after Pentecost)