That Persecutions and Calumnies should move us (religious) to a more zealous Pursuit of Perfection.
by VP
Posted on Friday February 24, 2023 at 11:00PM in Prayers
"1. Arise, O Lord, to my aid; delay not, for the waters of tribulations have entered even into my soul; comfort Thy servants, and scatter those that afflict them. Be not unmindful, O Lord, of our affliction; for Thee are we in labor, for Thee are we mortified all the day. We are reputed as sheep for the slaughter; save us, O Lord, because we have put our trust in Thee."
2. (To priests:) Son, if they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; for the disciple is not above his master. Have I not foretold it to thee? what else canst thou expect from those that are placed in iniquity, and under the yoke of the devil, but that they will persecute the servants of God and the enemies of the devil? If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in Heaven. Cease, then, thy complaints, son; if thou thinkest rightly, thou shouldst assuredly give thanks; for it is a great benefit to suffer tribulation and affliction for Me, and on account of Me.
3. He that endureth tribulation and persecution for My name let him glory in them; for he that suffereth with Me, shall also reign with Me. And I am wont to correct and chastise in this world whomsoever I love, that he may not be condemned with the world; but after being tried by fire and water may come to refreshment with Me. Tribulation and persecution are most profitable to My servants; for by them they make not only easy but great and rapid progress. For they that meet with tribulation from the world, and find no comfort from men, are wont to fly to Me for refuge with great confidence, alacrity, and devotion.
4. They are wont, too, to inspect their life more narrowly, and to correct and cut off with great diligence whatever can offend their neighbors. And they are mutually united to one another by a more fervent charity, they pray more devoutly, live in greater meekness, and employ greater energy in furnishing themselves with spiritual arms.They fast, are humbled, purified from earthly affections, cling to meditations on heavenly things.They keep away from vain conversations, speak on useful and spiritual subjects, and become better suited to assist their neighbor. And hence I permit My beloved servants to be in tribulation, to be hated, and denounced as evil.
5. If, then, thou wilt please Me seek not impatiently to be freed from thy difficulties; "for it is well to be purged in this world;" but leaving everything else to Me, seek solely to bear thyself courageously in difficulties. Pray for those that persecute and afflict thee and thy brethren, in order that they too may find salvation; do good to them as much as thou canst, for thus did I also act. If they justly reprehend anything in thee, correct it with solicitude; if they do thee an injury, bear with it for My name. See that thou grow not cowardly, and turn timid in My service. Cease not from works of charity, despise contumely, scorn reports, fear not the threats of men, and strive strenuously to promote My glory. Say to thy soul: Behold God alone is my hope and my refuge; He is my God, I will hope in Him. If armies in camp should stand against me, my heart shall not fear. If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I be confident. What thanks do I owe the Lord for having deigned to admit me amongst the soldiers of His cross. Would that I deserved to be inebriated with the chalice of my Lord, and to resist even unto blood.
6. He that has such dispositions, is a spectacle to God, and the Angels, and men, and whatever happeneth he shall not be moved. But he that still seeks anxiously for the vain friendships of man, and desireth to be highly esteemed, easily fails and proves cowardly in tribulations. Such a one secures ignominy and misfortune to himself where others more fervent and courageous acquire great glory and merit. Wherefore thou must be on thy guard, son, and solicitously advance forward in order that thou mayest be entirely free from stain, and pleasing to the divine eye in everything.
7. For the rest, be of good courage: Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father. Fear not, therefore; better are you than many sparrows; in the regeneration not a hair of your head shall perish. Then all these temporal things, whether they have been prosperous or adverse, will be past, and a crown shall be given to the victors in a blessed eternity. Then he, that has endured more tribulations for Me, shall be glorified the more. For it is the will of My Father and My will, that the more one has resembled Me in patience, the more like unto Me he shall be in the crown of victory."
Source:The spiritual retreat. 1863
Memorare to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Remember, O most loving Heart of Jesus,
that he for whom I pray, is one for whom You prayed so fervently in the
Garden of Gethsemane the night before You died. He is among those whom
You first called Your friends. He is one of those friends You asked to
remain with You while the others abandoned You, so that he could share
Your graces, and so that he could share Your persecution in accordance
with Your word: "The servant is not greater than his Lord."
O Heart of Jesus, that he is an object of scorn to the world, and that
the deadly snares of Satan are laid for him. Guard him, O Jesus, and
guard all Your priests in the fortress of Your Sacred Heart, and there
let them be sanctified in truth. May Your priests be one with You and
united among themselves. Grant that multitudes of people, through their
words, be brought to believe in You and to love You. Amen
Source: CAPG