CAPG's Blog 

Sunday for Priests

by VP

Posted on Sunday June 18, 2023 at 10:43AM in Tradition

"(..) We must pray that the Holy Ghost will descend in the unction of truth and the unction of sanctity upon the Bishops, and Pastors and Priests of the Church throughout the world. They were the first fruits of the Holy Ghost. To them our divine Lord said, when he breathed upon them: "Receive ye the Holy Ghost; on them He descended: they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire," that they might be to the end of the world, the image of our Lordʼs own perfection as the Great High Priest, and the Great Shepherd of the sheep. As they are, so will be the flock, if the salt lose its savor, the people will corrupt; if the light burn dimly, the people will wander in darkness.

Pray then for the Bishops who were set by the Holy Ghost to rule the Church of God, which He purchased with His precious blood. Pray for the Pastors that, in charity and courage, they may feed the flock, and if need be, lay down their lives for the sheep. If the seven Gifts rest upon them, their intellect will be guided, they will be strong; they will be holy, humble, undefiled, and separate from sinners, and when Priests are holy the people will be uncontaminated by the spirit of the world." Source: Special devotion to the Holy Ghost : a manual for the use of seminarians, priests, religious and the Christian people, Rev. Fr. Otto Zardetti 1888

Sunday Communion Offered to the Holy Ghost in Favor of the Church and of Priests

O Holy Spirit, Creator, be propitious to the Catholic Church; and by Thy heavenly power make it strong and secure against the attacks of its enemies; and renew in charity and grace the spirit of Thy servants, whom Thou has anointed, that they may glorify Thee and the Father and His Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. amen.
 Manual of prayers to the Holy Ghost by Very Rev. Fr. Felix of Jesus 1941

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