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St. Stanislas, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 1079.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday May 07, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Martyr Polish Bishop of Cracow of the XI century. Image of the Anjou legendarium of the Kings of Hungary (XIV century)

"He was bishop of Cracovia in Poland, watchful in all his pastoral duties, and particularly remarkable for his extraordinary charity to the poor. He zealously reproved the vicious life of his king, who not bearing this effect of his charity, first endeavoured to ruin his reputation, by accusing him of injustice in a general assembly of the nation; and afterwards upon being disappointed in this, murdered him with his own hand at the altar, where the holy prelate fell a sacrifice to charity and truth.

Pray for all bishops in Christ's Church; that like this prelate, they may faithfully discharge all pastoral duties; that with christian zeal they may labour to suppress all scandals, and not be awed by any authority into a connivance at vice.

The wickedness of great ones carries with it the strongest infection; and though there be danger in standing against it, yet it is a danger which is most honourable. Having justice and duty on its side, it cannot be declined by pastors, but by their being false to their charge, and forfeiting the trust which they have undertaken. See how far this falls within your province. To condemn vice is not an usurpation in any Christian. With regard to inferiors or equals, you have generally courage enough to assert your own right: shew as much in the cause of Christ and His Gospel. If you are called bold and presumptuous, there is no blemish in such censures: it is better to be thus reputed by men, than to venture being condemned by Almighty God for cowardice and uncharitable silence. Pray for patience in all reproaches and false accusations. You may not meet with such as endanger your life; but you cannot escape those, which though in a lower degree, yet lessen that reputation, which you would willingly have with men. Learn rather to slight, than be disturbed at these. Be not solicitous to make unnecessary vindications; but with content offer so much of yourself a sacrifice to God. You have but a poor stock of humility and patience, if you cannot bear these trials without throwing all into disorder." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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