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St. Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor, A.D. 381.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday February 11, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

St. Meletius of Antioch

"THIS saint was of one of the best families of Lesser Armenia. In his youth he made fasting and mortification his choice, in the midst of every thing that could flatter his senses. His conduct was uniform and irreproachable; and the sweetness and affability of his temper gained him the confidence and esteem both of the Catholics and Arians. He was promoted to the see of Antioch in the time of the Emperor Constantius; when, by the tumults of the Arians, the Eastern Church was in confusion. The Arians however, prevailed with the emperor to banish him into Lesser Armenia. The Emperor Julian having allowed the banished bishops to go back to their churches, St. Meletius returned to Antioch about the the end of the year 362; but the generous freedom with which he opposed idolatry, provoked that emperor to banish him a second time. But Jovian soon after succeeding that unhappy prince, St. Meletius returned to Antioch. The next emperor, Valens, banished him a third time; but he was restored a third time by his successor, the Emperor Gratian.

He governed his flock with remarkable exemplarity, and the opinion of his sanctity among his people was very great. He submitted to the orders of Providence with wonderful resignation, and at length died at Constantinople, being called there to the first general Council assembled in that city, in the year 881.

Give thanks for the zeal and virtue of the primitive bishops. It was by them that Christianity was preserved; and you owe it to their sufferings that you are now a Christian. Pray for the pastors of the Church. Good pastors are a great blessing, and bad ones are as great a judgment. It is the sins of the people that draw this upon them: see that you have no part in provoking these public scourges. Imitate the holy life of St. Meletius. Though continually opposed and persecuted, by his great meekness and patience he had converted the various trials he had gone through into occasions of virtue, and had exceedingly endeared himself to all who had the happiness of his acquaintance." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer for Holiness in Priests

Grant, O Lord, that every hand laid upon Thee at the altar may be a friendly hand, whose touch is tender and consoling as Josephʼs was; That the lips which form so many sacred words may never be profaned by frivolous or unworthy speech;That priests may guard, even in the noisy streets of the city, the impress of their noble functions, the bright token that they have but lately come down from Thy holy mountain; And in their garments the fragrance of the altar, that everyone may find them living memorials of Thee, accessible to all, yet more than other men.

Grant that they may contract from the Mass of today a hunger and thirst for the Mass of the morrow, that the sacred anticipation be their last thought at night and Thy tender summons their first awareness in the morning;That Thy priests, filled with Thee and Thy good gifts may give largely to the rest of men who look to Thee. Amen

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