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St. John a Facundo, CONFESSOR, A.D. 1479.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday June 12, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"This saint lived in the strictest evangelical poverty and mortification, retired from the world; and learned by experience that pious reading, meditation, and prayer, afford a purer joy than all worldly pleasures can give. He took the religious habit among the hermits of St. Augustin in Salamanca. He so perfectly attained the spirit of his rule, that no one was more mortified, more obedient, more humble, or more disengaged from creatures than he appeared to be in all his actions. By his pathetic sermons and private exhortations, he introduced an entire reformation of manners throughout the city. By the spirit of meekness with which he was endued, he had a particular talent in reconciling enemies and appeasing dissensions. The high opinion which every one had of his sanctity, contributed to give the greatest weight to his words and example. Without any respect of persons, he reproved vice in the great, with a liberty which often drew upon him severe persecutions. St. John was favoured with a sight of Christ our Lord, when he was saying Mass, and learned heavenly secrets from the very fountain of the Divinity. He often was enabled to penetrate the secret recesses of men's hearts, and to foretel future events. He also raised to life his brother's daughter, who died at the age of seven years. At length, being visited with his last sickness,he foretold the day of his death, and happily slept in the Lord on the 11th of June, 1479.

The example of the saints teaches us that virtue can never thrive in a life of dissipation. Worldly conversation, which turns on vanity and trifling amusements, insensibly turns off the mind from virtue, and the vigour of the soul is thereby impaired, no less than the bodily constitution is by means destructive of its health. Every good Christian ought from time to time to retire from the world to be alone, and to have regular hours for pious reading and consideration. The divine wisdom says: I will lead her into the wilderness: and I will speak to her heart." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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