St. Hermenegild, MARTYR, A.D. 586.
by VP
Posted on Saturday April 13, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"He was converted from the Arian heresy to the Catholic faith: upon which his father Leovigild, king of the Visigoths in Spain, and an Arian, was so exasperated against him, that he cast him into prison, and loaded him with chains. But perceiving all his cruelty to be fruitless, he ordered him to be murdered on Easter Eve, for refusing to receive the Holy Communion from an Arian bishop. Some time after, being sensible of his error and his crime, he acknowledged the truth of the Catholic faith, though overawed by his people, he never had courage to profess it. And so he died, having first recommended his son Reccared to the care of an orthodox bishop, by whose means, being reclaimed from Arianism, he became the happy instrument of the conversion of the whole nation of Spain in the sixth century.
Learn what your duty is, when for the sake of truth, your parents and dearest friends become your greatest enemies. Christ and His faith are to be preferred to them all; and you cannot be a true disciple, but by forsaking them, and abandoning yourself to their displeasure and cruelty. This martyr, in despising a crown, has taught you to despise all worldly advantages for the sake of Christ. This is the command of the Gospel, and the way to heaven. Pray that this may be your rule whenever you shall be brought into these straits: that you may seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, and make all considerations of flesh and blood give way to this. Pray likewise for all those who are at present under this trial. It is a work of great difficulty, and requires a very powerful grace to renounce all the comforts of tender parents, and the hopes of this world, for the sake of truth, which works only by faith, and has its rewards at a distance. Let them have therefore the assistance of your charity.
Pray for the reclaiming of all those who are the abettors of errors; and beg that none may be obstinate against that light which God gives them, or neglect to follow it, through fear, or human respects. The thoughts of what the world will say, and the difficulty of changing, are temptations to be overcome only by the grace of God." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother