CAPG's Blog 

St. Germain, Bishop of Paris, 576

by VP

Posted on Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Germain

"ASSISTING AT THE OFFICES OF THE CHURCH.-It would be no easy matter to recount the miracles whereby the eminent sanctity of Germain, bishop of Paris, was shown forth; to enter at large into the relations existing between him and kings Childebert, Clothaire, Caribert, and Sigebert, before whom he displayed all the kindliness of a father, combined with the authority of a pastor; or, finally, to record the bountifulness of his almsgiving and his love for the poor. Let us seek rather to call to mind his zeal for the Divine worship. He recited every day the canonical office with head uncovered, even when on a journey, and however inclement the season. He assisted every night at the entire office in his cathedral church; and whereas the clerks and canons were wont to divide the time into three several watchings, he remained there alone till the dawn of day. This suffices to show what importance he attached to the holy sacrifice and public prayer being celebrated with a dignity worthy of the great God. In one particular only did he ever give way in this his ever-present aim; namely, when, for the purpose of feeding the poor, he deemed it expedient to dispose of the sacred vessels. St. Germain died in 576.

'MORAL REFLECTION.-"In the churches, bless ye God the Lord. From Thy temple, kings shall offer presents to thee."-(Psa. lxvii. 27.)" Pictorial Half Hours with the Saints by Abbe Lecanu

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