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St. Genevieve, Patron of Paris, France

by VP

Posted on Friday January 03, 2025 at 09:39AM in Saints

File:Le Brun Sainte Geneviève.jpg  

Le Brun: Sainte Geneviève

"IN RETURN FOR EVIL, DO GOOD. -Genevieve was born about 422, at a village in the environs of Paris, called Nanterre. St. Germain, bishop of Auxerre, passing near the spot while Genevieve was as yet a child, discerning her in the midst of the pressing crowd, asked her whether she desired to dedicate herself to God's service, and with his own hands invested her with the insignia of the religious life. The youthful virgin made such rapid progress in piety, that the inhabitants of the country grew accustomed to regard her as a saint. But later on, their homage was converted into scoffing, and they treated her most evident virtues as hypocrisy. St. Germain once more came to her aid, and publicly demonstrated the reality of her virtues. At a subsequent period, Genevieve herself afforded the highest proofs thereof by twice saving Paris: on the first occasion by her prayers, when Attila, king of the Huns, at the head of an armed host, was threatening its destruction, and again, by providing the citizens with food, when Merovée, king of the Francs, was besieging it. Genevieve died in 512, and is invoked by Paris as its patron saint.

MORAL REFLECTION. -Never to allow oneself to be discouraged by the ingratitude and injustice of men; persecution is the crucible wherein the gold of virtue is refined. "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution."-(2 Tim. iii. 12.)"  Pictorial half hours with the saints By Abbe Auguste François Lecanu 1865

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