St. Francis Caracciolo, CONFESSOR, A.D. 1608.
by VP
Posted on Tuesday June 04, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"In his earliest years, he shewed a disposition to virtue. He received an excellent education. His childhood was pious, his youth virtuous. When he had attained his twentieth year, he was afflicted with a leprosy. His long illness led him to reflect seriously on the vanity of all earthly things, and the happiness of those who dedicate themselves entirely to God; and he resolved, if God should restore him to health, to bid adieu to the world, and live only for God and the service of his neighbour. He recovered from his illness; and went through a regular course of theology, and received the holy order of priesthood. He entered a confraternity of pious persons, who prepared criminals for death, and procured comforts for prisoners; and in these charitable occupations he acted with the greatest zeal, during the remainder of his life.
The charity of St. Francis Caracciolo to his neighbour was most exemplary. Before his religious profession he sold all his property, and distributed in charity all the money produced by the sale. He was a strict observer of every rule of his Order, perfectly obedient to his superiors, and a model of humility to all. He constantly refused all ecclesiastical dignities, and ever preserved the strictest purity. He was inflamed with ardent devotion towards the B. Sacrament., and would spend almost whole nights in adoration before it. He was also remarkable for great devotion to the holy Mother of God.
His virtues were rewarded with the sublime gift of contemplation; several miracles were wrought by him, and he often foretold future events. A short time before his decease, kneeling before an altar of the B. Virgin, at Loretto, he humbly begged to be dissolved, and to be with Christ; and it was revealed to him that God granted his prayer. Having finished his devotions, he proceeded to a house of his Order, and exclaimed as he entered it; "This is the place of my mortal rest." He received the holy sacraments with exemplary devotion, and expired on the 4th of June, in the year 1608.
Thus was this active and humble servant of God called to enter into the joy of his Lord. When he lay on his deathbed, did he regret that he had resigned the riches and honours of the world for the love of God and his neighbour? Certainly not. Pray that you may live in his holy spirit, and in the exercises of those virtues which led him securely to eternal felicity." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother