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St. Eusebius, BISHOP AND MARTYR, A.D. 371.

by VP

Posted on Friday December 15, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

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The Virgin Mary in Glory with Archangel Gabriel, and Saints Eusebius of Vercelli (seated), Saint Sebastian, and Saint Roch, Sebastiano Ricci.

"He was a bishop: pray for all the bishops in God's Church. Who knows, but if the faithful constantly joined in presenting their most earnest petitions to Almighty God, as often as the festivals of holy prelates return throughout the year, he might bless the Church with a succession of holy pastors, who by word and example might be as so many lights to the faithful, to conduct them to a happy eternity?

St. Eusebius was bishop of Vercelli, and a powerful opponent of the Arian heresy, which at that time desolated the Church, under the protection of the Emperor Constantius By this emperor, he was sent into banishment for defending the Nicene Creed, and refusing to subscribe to the condemnation of St. Athanasius. The holy man suffered much in his exile from hunger, thirst, scourging, and various kinds of cruel treatment; but he had learned to undervalue his own life for the cause of Christ, and he cheerfully abandoned his body to his persecutors. Neither torments, nor enticements, could ever move him to consent to the enemies of his faith.

On the death of Constantius, he was permitted to return to his see, and came to Alexandria to concert measures with St. Athanasius for applying proper remedies to the evils of the Church. He afterwards travelled over the East, and through Illyricum, confirming in the faith those that were wavering, and bringing back many that were gone astray. St. Jerom places his death in 371; and he is styled a martyr, and honoured as such in the offices of the Church.

Pray for patience in all sufferings for yourself, and others who are under any trials. If you honour a martyr, suffer something this day with more than ordinary meekness. Consider how often you are in a passion, how easily you are disquieted, how inconsiderable a thing provokes you, how ordinary temptations overcome you. Are these the steps of a martyr? Is this according to the Gospel? Blush then, and be confounded at your weakness: pray for new strength, and beseech this holy martyr to pray for you."

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