St. Damasus, Pope and Confessor A.D. 384
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 10, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints
"He served in the Church of St. Laurence at Rome, and always lived in a perfect state of continence. On the death of Pope Liberius in 366, St. Damasus was chosen bishop of Rome. When St. Jerome went to Rome, the holy pope detained him near his person, till his own death, three years after, employing him as his secretary, and to answer consultations. St Jerome calls him an excellent man, an incomparable person, learned in the Scriptures, a virgin doctor of the virgin Church, who loved chastity, and heard its praises with pleasure. Theodoret says, that he was illustrious by his holy life, and ready to preach, and to do all things in defence of the apostolic doctrine. The ancients particularly commend his constancy in maintaining the purity of our holy faith, the innocence of his manners, his Christian humility, his compassion for the poor, his piety in adorning holy places, especially the tombs of the martyrs, and his singular learning. Having sat eighteen years and two months, he died on the 10th of December, in 384, being near fourscore years of age.
Pray for the present pope, that, like this, his holy predecessor, he may be eminent in all virtue, and the careful discharge of all duties which belong to his state. Pray for the reformation of all those errors, by which the doctrine of the Gospel is at this day corrupted. It is in your power to help your neighbour to the truth by your example. See whether you have not, by your disorders, given scandal to many, and made the enemies of God blaspheme. What satisfaction can you now make, but by the exemplarity of a regular and well disciplined life? Pray this day for all who have taken a dislike to the truth from your scandalous life, or have been drawn into sin by your example or authority, that you may make some amends for the injury done to them." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John Gother