CAPG's Blog 

September 26: St. Cosmas and Damian

by VP

Posted on Monday September 26, 2022 at 12:35AM in Saints

"Showed great love to the sick, but desired no recompense, because they did it all out of love to God. To labor and to suffer for the love of God is the best intention, and one we should endeavor to cultivate. It is a good and holy intention, when I do or suffer anything to escape hell, but is is a still better one when I do or suffer anything to gain salvation. It is known that even great saints have made use of such intentions. The noblest and most excellent intention, however, is to do and suffer for the pure love of God only. Make this intention early in the morning, when you say your prayers, and renew it often during the day. Turn your thoughts frequently to the Almighty and say: " Lord, out of love to Thee! to Thy honor!" Especially ought you to do this when what you are about to do is tedious; for this intention will lighten it. Sick persons, who cannot pray much, ought to accustom themselves to repeat these words. Frequently ought they say or thing, while looking up to heaven or to the crucifix: "Lord, I bear this suffering for love to Thee! All out of love to Thee, O my God!" This will bring them consolation and prove very meritorious. I say very meritorious, yes, even in the highest degree. It will obtain great recompense in heaven; for, St. Chrysostom assures us: "Let us not believe that we shall have no reward when we endeavor to obtain none; for, our recompense will be so much sweeter in heaven."

Source:  Internet Archives: Lives of the Saints, compiled from authentic sources with a practical instruction on the life of each saint, for every day in the year. 1876

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