St. Camillus, CONFESSOR, A.D. 1614.
by VP
Posted on Thursday July 18, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

with daybreak the moment came for his Mass, nothing could equal the joy
with which he hastened to the preparation for it. Then kneeling at the
foot of the altar, he made the daily intention for the Church and the
Sovereign Pontiff, always first in his solicitude; next, for his Order,
that God might be pleased to grant its increase, and the holiness of its
members; lastly for the sick, that it might be his happiness to help
and comfort countless souls and obtain strength and hope for the dying.
Angels surely gathered about that altar, for never was Mass celebrated
with greater fervor. Often tears streamed down his cheeks, as at the
precious moment he held in his hands his "Love," his Lord, and he would
whisper again, "What can I do for Thee?" Saint Camillus de Lellis the Hospital Saint by a Sister of Charity, p128
"THIS saint in his early years served in the Neapolitan army, and during that time, and for a short time after, was unhappily addicted to the vice of gaming. But the divine mercy at length opened his eyes. A moving exhortation made to him by the guardian of the Capuchins completed his conversion. He fell on his knees, and striking his breast, with many tears and groans deplored his past sinful life, and cried to heaven for mercy. This happened in the twenty-fifth year of his age; and from that time he never interrupted his penitential course.
Leaving his own country, St. Camillus went to Rome, and served the sick in the hospital of incurables for four years with great fervour. Grieving to see the sick so much neglected by hired servants, he founded a congregation of holy persons, who devoted themselves to serve the sick, out of a motive of fervent charity. They went every day to the great hospital of the Holy Ghost, where they served the sick with so much affection, piety, and diligence, that it was visible that they considered Christ himself in his sick or wounded members.
Previous to this, St. Camillus prepared himself by a course of studies to receive Holy Orders, with a view to render himself more useful in affording spiritual assistance to the sick. In 1558, he was invited to Naples, and there founded a new house of his congregation. He was himself afflicted with many infirmities, such as a sore in his leg for forty-six years, and other very painful maladies. But under all his sufferings, he would not allow any one to wait on him, but sent all his brethren to serve poor sick persons. When he was not able to stand, he would creep out of his bed, even in the night, and crawl by the sides of the beds, from one patient to another, to exhort them to acts of virtue, and see if they wanted any thing.
Almighty God favoured St. Camillus with the spirit of prophecy and the gift of miracles. After assisting at the fifth general chapter of his Order, he fell ill, and soon after, his life was despaired of by the physicians. He received the last sacraments with the most
tender devotion, made a moving exhortation to his religious, and having
foretold that he should die that evening, he expired on the 14th of July, 1614, at the age of sixty-five." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother