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St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church, A.D. 373.

by VP

Posted on Thursday May 02, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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"ST. ATHANASIUS governed the Church of Alexandria fortysix years, eminent for sanctity, and for his zeal in defence of the Catholic faith. Pray for all the prelates of Christ's Church, that in virtue and zeal they may follow the steps of this holy bishop, and not let vice or errors grow up, through their neglect. Pray likewise for that unhappy people of Alexandria, who having renounced their faith in Christ, have for so many ages been disciples of Mahomet. Pray for all Christian nations, that they may not draw down the like judgment on their heads, by their wickedness, and have their contempt of God's law punished with a general blindness.

St. Athanasius suffered the persecution of many years from the malice of the Arians, by whose false accusations he was often forced into banishment, and obliged to the confinement of caves for shelter against their wicked designs. It is almost impossible to conceive the storms that were raised against him, and with how many calamities he was oppressed: and it is difficult to apprehend that great constancy and truly Christian courage, with which he stood out to the end under such variety of evils; over all which he triumphed by zeal and patience, and at length ended his days in peace, dying in his bed at Alexandria, in the year 373, under the Emperor Valens.

Pray for a like courage under all trials; and remember that virtue is no security against persecution. Happy are you, if you have no other persecutions, but what virtue draws upon you. If you desire to be proof against the greatest storms, practice your courage in those lesser ones which daily happen. See that ordinary contradictions destroy not your inward peace, nor put you on making complaints, or unnecessary apologies in your own defence, much less on engaging in contentions on this account. It is much better to be unconcerned at these petty oppositions, than solicitous about them; for such solicitude is but the argument of your impatience and self-love. Thus prepare for greater trials, and call in God to your assistance." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Letter 19:

"6. Like these too, are the heretics, who, having fallen from true discernment, dare to invent to themselves atheism. 'For the fool says in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, and become abominable in their doings.' Of such as are fools in their thoughts, the actions are wicked, as He says, 'can you, being evil, speak good things Matthew 12:34;' for they were evil, because they thought wickedness. Or how can those do just acts, whose minds are set upon fraud? Or how shall he love, who is prepared beforehand to hate? How shall he be merciful, who is bent upon the love of money? How shall he be chaste, who looks upon a woman to lust after her? 'For from the heart proceed evil thoughts, fornications, adulteries, murders.' By them the fool is wrecked, as by the waves of the sea, being led away and enticed by his fleshly pleasures; for this stands written, 'All flesh of fools is greatly tempest-tossed.' While he associates with folly, he is tossed by a tempest, and perishes, as Solomon says in the Proverbs, 'The fool and he who lacks understanding shall perish together, and shall leave their wealth to strangers.' Now they suffer such things, because there is not among them one sound of mind to guide them. For where there is sagacity, there the Word, who is the Pilot of souls, is with the vessel; 'for he that has understanding shall possess guidance ;' but they who are without guidance fall like the leaves. Who has so completely fallen away as Hymenæus and Philetus, who held evil opinions respecting the resurrection, and concerning faith in it suffered shipwreck? And Judas being a traitor, fell away from the Pilot, and perished with the Jews. But the disciples since they were wise, and therefore remained with the Lord, although the sea was agitated, and the ship covered with the waves, for there was a storm, and the wind was contrary, yet fell not away. For they awoke the Word, Who was sailing with them , and immediately the sea became smooth at the command of its Lord, and they were saved. They became preachers and teachers at the same time; relating the miracles of our Saviour, and teaching us also to imitate their example. These things were written on our account and for our profit, so that through these signs we may acknowledge the Lord Who wrought them."

Source: New Advent, Letter 19, St. Athanasius

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