St. Antony of Padua, Confessor and doctor, A.D. 1231.
by VP
Posted on Thursday June 13, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Prayer: Saint Anthony, glory of the Church and hammer of heretics, pray for our Holy Father, our bishops, our priests, our Religious Orders, that, through their pious zeal and apostolic labors, infidels, heretics, and all those outside the true Church of Christ may be converted and, united in faith, give greater glory to God. Amen. Blessed Sacrament Book. Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance
St. Anthony of Padua, defender of the Holy Eucharist, obtain for us holy priests
- Chastity unites (the priest) to Jesus by a certain mysterious tie. "Although all the just are spouses of Christ," says St. Anthony of Padua, "yet virgins are his spouses in a far more special manner; for as husband and wife are one flesh, so are virgins one flesh with Christ, their Spouse." The Catholic Priesthood, by Rev. Fr. Michael Muller 1885
"He was born at Lisbon in Portugal; and having been piously educated, entered into a house of canon regulars. But seeing the bodies of five holy men, of the Order of St.Francis, brought from Morocco, where they had ben martyred for their faith, the desire of giving his life for Christ put him upon soliciting to be admitted into that Order, where being received, after a fitting preparation, he embarked for Morocco. But a violent sickness obliging him to return, he applied himself wholly to instructing the ignorant, reclaiming sinners, and giving light to those, who were engaged in error. Having thus laboured for some years, he retired into a solitude, and having there prepared his soul, by prayer and great mortification, for a better life, he was soon after seized with a violent distemper, of which he died in the year 1231. Almighty God was pleased to testify to the sanctity of this his servant, by many miracles, both in his life, and after his death.
Pray for the spirit of this saint, that it may be plentifully poured forth upon all those, whose function obliges them to seek the salvation of others. Beg it for yourself, that by prayer and good example you may encourage others to the love of virtue and truth. Pray that the example of the martyrs may raise in your soul a holy desire of suffering for Christ. If He calls you not to suffer from the hand of unbelievers, offer yourself to all those troubles which He has ordained for you in your state of life.
Such sufferings may be less glorious, but shall not lose their reward.
Your happiness is to be with God: desire to be with Him, and as you
advance in piety, let this desire increase. Your whole life ought to be a
preparation for death; and since this saint, after a life of so
extraordinary charity, thought fit to retire, so to purify his soul,
and make a more particular preparation for a happy death; consider if
spiritual retreats may not be proper for you; and whether withdrawing from the confusion of business
may not sometimes be seasonable. How many troublesome professions are
there, which almost require this to be done! Do your best to leave this
world, before the world leaves you. Set your house in order, for you shall die." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother