St. Anacletus, Pope and Martyr, A.D. about 109.
by VP
Posted on Saturday July 13, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"ST. ANACLETUS was bishop of Rome, and the third after St. Peter. He governed the Church after St. Clement, nine years and three months, according to the Liberian pontifical, and another very old Vatican manuscript register; but according to some later pontificals, twelve years and three months. The Emperor Trajan raised the third persecution against the Church, while he was in the East, in 107. In those difficult times, St. Anacletus suffered much, and probably laid down his life in testimony of the Christian faith, as he is styled a martyr in very ancient martyrologies. Pray for his present holiness. As he has the care of all, so he ought to have the prayers of all; since the good of the Church very much depends upon the faithful performance of his charge. Pray for all the pastors, and for yourself, that you may never make the enemies of God blaspheme, nor any way bring a scandal on the faith which you profess. How many are averse to the Church, through the ill lives of its members! See that you have no part in this; for so many souls must you answer for, as are discouraged from seeking the truth by your bad example.
Beg heartily for patience under all troubles. Humility and patience are the best preachers. By these you have frequent opportunities of doing good, both to the faithful
and unbelievers. To be easy in resenting small injuries, to be sharp in
reproving ordinary failings, to be fretful and passionate upon
mistakes, or trivial provocations, is what certainly gives offence to those who are weak; and if they have only a glimpse of light, is a temptation sufficient to discourage them from making further enquiry after truth. No doubt, this has been the occasion of many
failing, and being utterly lost; because they concluded however
falsely, that there could be no truth, where they saw no spirit of the Gospel. While therefore you give God thanks for all His graces bestowed on the martyrs, pray for their humility, patience, meekness, and charity." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother