SS. Primus and Felicianus, MARTYRS, A.D. 286.
by VP
Posted on Sunday June 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"THESE two martyrs were brothers, and lived in Rome many years, mutually encouraging each other in the practice of all good works. They seemed to possess nothing but for the poor, and often spent both nights and days with the confessors in their dungeons, or at the places of their torments and execution. Some they encouraged to perseverance; others who had fallen, they raised again; and they made themselves the servants of all in Christ, that all might attain to salvation through him. Though their zeal was most remarkable, they had escaped the dangers of many bloody persecutions, and were grown old in the heroic exercises of virtue, when it pleased God to crown their labours with a glorious martyrdom. The Pagans raised so great an outcry against them, that they were apprehended, and put in chains. They were inhumanly scourged, and then sent to a town twelve miles from Rome, to be further chastised. They were cruelly tortured, first together, afterwards separately. But the grace of God strengthened them, and they were at length both beheaded in the year 286, on the 9th of June.
Pray for all under persecution for their faith; that by patience and constancy they may give testimony of the truth. Pray for patience for yourself in all troubles. He that has overcome death and hell, could easily deliver us from the evils of this life: but it is more for his glory, and our advantage, to triumph over them by his grace, in suffering them with an humble and patient mind. Troubles and persecution separate the reprobate from Jesus Christ; but they are the means of uniting the elect more closely to him, by adoration, love, and fidelity. Let these be the exercises of your heart under all oppressions. Pray for all your kindred and relations, that they may be all united, as in one blood, so by faith and charity, and in the hopes of meeting in bliss. If any of them go astray, let them have your prayers. Look upon all persons with whom you live as your relations, and keep peace and holy charity with all." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother