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SS. Abdon and Sennen, MARTYRS, A.D. 250.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday July 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:Abdon and Sennen.jpg

 SS. Abdon and Sennen

"They Were Persians, but coming to Rome, courageously confessed the faith of Christ in the persecution of Decius in 250. They were accused of burying the bodies of the Christians, which had been cast out without burial, in their own ground; and being apprehended by order of the emperor, they were commanded to sacrifice to the false gods of the pagans. This they refused to do, and with great constancy professed their faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Upon which they were confined in prison, and when Decius returned to Rome, were led in chains in his triumph. They were dragged before the idols, but shewed the greatest contempt for them. They were then exposed to bears and lions, but the wild beasts dared not touch them. At length they finished a glorious martyrdom by the sword. The Christians at Rome did not treat them as strangers, but as brethren united to them in the hope of the same blessed country; and after their death carefully deposited their bodies in the house of a sub-deacon called Quirinus.

Pray for all in persecution and trouble, that they may be supported with heavenly comforts. And since the suffering of the martyrs is a reproach of all impatience, confess your weakness in this point, and pray for remedy. But let your endeavours accompany your prayers, and forget not your duty in the time of trial. Be watchful against all manner of anger and dejection. These are two mischievous passions, which enslave the mind, darken the understanding, and hinder all the effects of grace. Make your first opposition against these; and let no deceitful reasoning flatter you into them. Having gained ground here, you have in this removed the greatest obstacles, and may hope by degrees to advance, so as to stand constant under the most oppressing evils. This is the constancy of the martyrs: pray for it daily, and on this day especially beseech these holy martyrs to procure it for you." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

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